Trevor Ncube, Zimbabwean journalist, owner and publisher of the Zimbabwe Independent, The Standard and Mail & Guardian was awarded the German Africa Award in 2008.
For years, Ncube has been one of the most important journalists in Southern Africa, distinguished by his independence, journalistic professionalism, entrepreneurial spirit, strength of opinion, great courage and unwavering commitment to freedom of expression and human rights. Because of both his independent and critical reporting and editorial work, always following strict journalistic principles, Ncube has been in conflict with the Mugabe regime on several occasions and has been arrested and imprisoned several times.
Following the banning of the independent newspaper Daily News,Trevor Ncube’s weekly newspapers were the last remaining independent print media to appear in Zimbabwe. However, the publication of this independent reporting was only possible with the journalistic, legal and financial support of Trevor Ncube, who had relocated to South Africa and became a successful media entrepreneur there, too. In 2002 Ncube bought the prestigious South African weekly newspaper Mail & Guardian. Under his leadership, Mail & Guardian became an extremely successful and highly regarded leading medium in South Africa and beyond.
The German Africa Award 2008 was presented by the then President of the European Parliament, Prof Dr Hans-Gert Pöttering, who praised Ncube for his tireless commitment to freedom and human rights in Zimbabwe and Africa as well as for his fight for press freedom. The European Parliament strongly supported the democratic process in Zimbabwe and has repeatedly expressed its support for democracy, the rule of law and the protection of human rights in the country.