9 November 2023, 11:30 - 13:15hrs, Berlin
G20 Compact with Africa – Fostering Potential, Learning Lessons, Addressing Challenges

On 20 November this year, Chancellor Olaf Scholz will host the first Compact with Africa Summit under his leadership. Launched in 2017 by Germany through the G20 Finance Track, the initiative aims to improve investment conditions in participating African countries and thus ultimately promote European investment in Africa. The outcome so far looks mixed. We discussed the reasons for this, where the initiative stands and how it can be made more successful for all sides and sustainably oriented towards inclusive economic growth and job creation with representatives from the academic, business and political spheres.


Welcome remarks:
Dr. Karamba Diaby
, Member of the German Bundestag, SPD, Member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on Economic Cooperation and Development

Prof. Dr. Stefan Liebing,
Honorary Professor, University of Flensburg – Flensburg University of Applied Sciences

Students of the Flensburg University of Applied Sciences:
“Realistic possibilities of economic cooperation using the example of Rwanda”.

Zeno Fleck, Managing Director Tauber Solar
Prof. em. Robert Kappel, University of Leipzig
Hanna Kleber, Managing Director KPRN network GmbH
Dr. Grace Mbungu, Senior Fellow and Head of Climate Change Program, Africa Policy Research Institute
Paul van Son, President Dii Desert Energy
Dr Rüdiger von Kleist,  Federal Ministry of Finance

Sabine Odhiambo
, Secretary General, German Africa Foundation

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